Donate Today

Want to support the cause of sustainable living and education but can’t make it out to the homestead? Consider a one-time or recurring tax-deductible donation to our 501(c)3 organization. All money collected goes directly to running our work trade program, our educational programs, and building community spaces on the homestead so that we can continue our mission of teaching sustainable living.

How Your Contribution Makes a Difference:


Want to support the cause of sustainable living and education but can’t make it out to the homestead? Consider a one-time or recurring tax-deductible donation to our 501(c)3 organization. All money collected goes directly to running our eco-residency program, our educational programs, and building community spaces on the homestead so that we can continue our mission of teaching sustainable living.

We also accept in-kind product donations.

Our biggest needs at the moment are:

Cement / Concrete / Stucco / Plaster
Hand tools, particularly shovels and earth-moving equipment.
Lumber (warped is okay)
Vegetarian food for the community

Material donations must be within an hour and a half drive of Tombstone or delivered to the property. To give material donations, please contact us below.

Contact us for more information above the contact us form.
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